Green Green Grass Of Home by Tom Jones - Guitar Chords

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Version 1 Version 2
            Green, Green Grass Of Home - Tom Jones (Claude 'Curly' Putnam, Jr., 1965)
Chorded By: Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q.

4/4 TIME @ 96 BPM (3 Min. 0 Sec. (Orig. Ver.), or 4 Min. 0 Sec.) in 'A'.

Chords Used: (Tune DOWN 1/2 Step to match Orig. in 'G#')
              GUITAR               KEYS
         E  A  D  G  B  e    Bass|   Chord
        ------------------   ----------------
A     -  x  0  2  2  2  0     A    A-C#-E
A7    -  x  0  2  0  2  0     A    A-C#-E-G   -OR-
      -  x  0  2  2  2  3
D     -  x  x  0  2  3  2     D    A-D-F#
E7    -  0  2  0  1  0  0     E    B-D-E-G#   -OR-
      -  0  2  2  1  3  0
Bm7   -  x  2  4  2  3  2     B    B-D-F#-A
D0    -  x  x  0  1  0  1     D    B-D-F-G#
C#m7  -  x  4  6  4  5  4     C#   B-C#-E-G#

INTRO: [6 M]

|A       |D       |A       |D       |A       |E7        |

VERSE #1: [16 M]

|A                         |A      A7    |D                    |
 old home… town…  looks the same…    as I step down…   from the

|A                     |A                |A              |E7         |
 train,…   and there to meet… me…   is my Ma-…  ma…   and Pa-pa…

|E7  Bm7   E7  |A                  |A7                   |
     Down… the… road… I look,…  and there… runs… Ma-… ry…

|D         D0        |D           C#m7   Bm7       |A                    |
   hair of gold…  and lips… like… cher-… ries, it's good…  to touch…  the

|E7             Bm7    E7 |A      D   |…                 |
 green,… green… grass…  of home…           Yes,… they'll…

CHORUS #1: [8 M]

|A               |A7                |D                       |
 all…   come…  to meet… me,…   arms… reach-… ing,…   smil-ing

|D             Bm7  |A                    |E7             Bm7    E7 |
 sweet-… ly…   It's… good…  to touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of

|A          |E7        |
 home…              The

VERSE #2: [16 M] NOTE: Omit 'Yes, they'll' in last measure and proceed to
--------               'VERSE #4' to play the original 'short' version'.

|A                     |A            A7          |D                       |
 old… house…   is still stand-… ing,…  though the paint…  is cracked…  and

|A                       |A                    |A             |E7           |
 dry,…   and there's that old… oak… tree…  that I…  used…   to play on…

|E7  Bm7   E7  |A                  |A7                  |
     Down… the… lane… I walk…  with my… sweet… Ma-… ry,…

|D         D0        |D           C#m7   Bm7       |A                    |
…  hair of gold…  and lips… like… cher-… ries, it's good…  to touch…  the

|E7             Bm7    E7 |A      D   |…                 |
 green,… green… grass…  of home…           Yes,… they'll…


|A               |A7                |D                       |
 all…   come…  to meet… me,…   arms… reach-… ing,…   smil-ing

|D             Bm7  |A                    |E7             Bm7    E7 |
 sweet-… ly…   It's… good…  to touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of

|A          |E7      |

VERSE #3: [16 M] 'Guitar Solo' (OPTIONAL) -

|A       |A   A7  |D       |A       |A       |A       |E7      |

|E7  Bm7 E7 |A       |A7      |D   D0  |D   C#m7 Bm7 |A       |

|E7  Bm7 E7 |A   D   |…       |

VERSE #4: [16 M]

|A                     |A             A7   |D                     |
  Then I a-wake… and…   look a-round… me…   at four gray walls…

|A                     |A                      |A              |
 that…  sur-round… me,…   and I real-ize that I…   was on-… ly…

|E7              |E7  Bm7         E7      |A                 |
 dream-… ing…         For there's a guard,…   and there's… a…

|A7                  |D        D0         |D         C#m7  Bm7   |
 sad… old… pa-… dre,…   arm-in-arm… we'll… walk… at… day-… break…

|A                       |E7             Bm7    E7 |A      D   |
 a-gain… I'll touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of home…

|D                 |
       Yes, they'll

CHORUS #4: [8 M] 'CODA' -

|A               |A7                |D                |
 all…   come…  to see… me,…   in the shade…    of that

                                               ► Retard…
|D         C#m7  Bm7    |A                    |E7             Bm7    E7 |
 old… oak… tree… as they lay… me…   'neath the green,… green… grass…  of

|A          |A       |


Green, Green Grass Of Home - Tom Jones (Claude 'Curly' Putnam, Jr., 1965)
Chorded By: Zack Oxford.

4/4 TIME @ 96 BPM (3 Min. 0 Sec. (Orig. Ver.), or 4 Min. 0 Sec.) in 'G'.

Chords Used: (CAPO 1st Fret to match Orig. in 'G#')
             GUITAR               KEYS
        E  A  D  G  B  e    Bass|   Chord
       ------------------   ----------------
G    -  3  2  0  0  0  3     G    G-B-D      -OR-
     -  3  2  0  0  3  3
G7   -  3  2  0  0  0  1     G    G-B-D-F    -OR-
     -  3  5  3  4  3  3
C    -  x  3  2  0  1  0     C    G-C-E      -OR-
     -  x  3  2  0  1  3
D7   -  x  x  0  2  1  2     D    A-C-D-F#
Am7  -  x  0  2  0  1  0     A    A-C-E-G    -OR-
     -  x  0  2  2  1  3
C0   -  x  x  1  2  1  2     C    A-C-D#-F#  (Guitar Chord = C0/D#)
Bm7  -  x  2  4  2  3  2     B    B-D-F#-A

INTRO: [6 M]

|G       |C       |G       |C       |G       |D7        |

VERSE #1: [16 M]

|G                         |G      G7    |C                    |
 old home… town…  looks the same…    as I step down…   from the

|G                     |G                |G              |D7         |
 train,…   and there to meet… me…   is my Ma-…  ma…   and Pa-pa…

|D7  Am7   D7  |G                  |G7                   |
     Down… the… road… I look,…  and there… runs… Ma-… ry…

|C         C0        |C           Bm7    Am7       |G                    |
   hair of gold…  and lips… like… cher-… ries, it's good…  to touch…  the

|D7             Am7    D7 |G      C   |…                 |
 green,… green… grass…  of home…           Yes,… they'll…

CHORUS #1: [8 M]

|G               |G7                |C                       |
 all…   come…  to meet… me,…   arms… reach-… ing,…   smil-ing

|C             Am7  |G                    |D7             Am7    D7 |
 sweet-… ly…   It's… good…  to touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of

|G          |D7        |
 home…              The

VERSE #2: [16 M] NOTE: Omit 'Yes, they'll' in last measure and proceed to
--------               'VERSE #4' to play the original 'short' version'.

|G                     |G            G7          |C                       |
 old… house…   is still stand-… ing,…  though the paint…  is cracked…  and

|G                       |G                    |G             |D7           |
 dry,…   and there's that old… oak… tree…  that I…  used…   to play on…

|D7  Am7   D7  |G                  |G7                  |
     Down… the… lane… I walk…  with my… sweet… Ma-… ry,…

|C         C0        |C           Bm7    Am7       |G                    |
…  hair of gold…  and lips… like… cher-… ries, it's good…  to touch…  the

|D7             Am7    D7 |G      C   |…                 |
 green,… green… grass…  of home…           Yes,… they'll…


|G               |G7                |C                       |
 all…   come…  to meet… me,…   arms… reach-… ing,…   smil-ing

|C             Am7  |G                    |D7             Am7    D7 |
 sweet-… ly…   It's… good…  to touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of

|G          |D7      |

VERSE #3: [16 M] 'Guitar Solo' (OPTIONAL) -

|G       |G   G7  |C       |G       |G       |G       |D7      |

|D7   Am7 D7 |G       |G7      |C   C0  |C    Bm7 Am7 |G       |

|D7   Am7 D7 |G   C   |…       |

VERSE #4: [16 M]

|G                     |G             G7   |C                     |
  Then I a-wake… and…   look a-round… me…   at four gray walls…

|G                     |G                      |G              |
 that…  sur-round… me,…   and I real-ize that I…   was on-… ly…

|D7              |D7  Am7         D7      |G                 |
 dream-… ing…         For there's a guard,…   and there's… a…

|G7                  |C        C0         |C         Bm7   Am7   |
 sad… old… pa-… dre,…   arm-in-arm… we'll… walk… at… day-… break…

|G                       |D7             Am7    D7 |G      C   |
 a-gain… I'll touch…  the green,… green… grass…  of home…

|C                 |
       Yes, they'll

CHORUS #4: [8 M] 'CODA' -

|G               |G7                |C                |
 all…   come…  to see… me,…   in the shade…    of that

                                               ► Retard…
|C         Bm7   Am7    |G                    |D7             Am7    D7 |
 old… oak… tree… as they lay… me…   'neath the green,… green… grass…  of

|G          |G       |

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